Cambridge University
Conservative Association
Submission guidelines
Word count: Writers are advised to aim for a word count of up to approximately 1,200 words. Longer-form articles of up to 2,500 words will be considered on occasion, but these must be fully referenced.
Subject matter: Articles must be of political relevance in some manner. However, the scope of the 'political' as understood by the editorial board of The Torch is fairly broad. Writers are duly invited to share their thoughts on any and all current political and cultural affairs, as well as relevant historical phenomena. Interviews with appropriate personages are also most welcome, as are reviews of any pertinent publications. Most importantly of all, however, we demand that submissions are written in a manner that renders them entertaining to the reader. Think The Critic, rather than the Financial Times - analyses of the latest Budget will be instantly rejected and granted the most laconic of apologies in reply.
Political cartoons: Prospective contributors to The Torch may submit political cartoons for consideration. We accept both traditional and digital art.
Eligibility to contribute: We welcome submissions from all those registered as either currently studying at or intermitting from a constituent college of the University of Cambridge or any of its associated theological or educational colleges. Prospective contributors are not required to be a member of the Cambridge University Conservative Association, or the national Conservative and Unionist Party. However, it is expected that submissions express some form of sympathy with right-of-centre politics, and certainly not hostility thereto.
Review and publication process:
Minor edits pertaining to grammar will be imposed without consultation.
Major edits pertaining to style or argument will be carried out in collaboration with authors, who will receive versions of their work with copy-editing suggestions. Authors will be required to return their corrected articles by a given date.
Digital publication will take place following the imposition of minor edits and the approval of any major edits by the editorial board of The Torch.
Print editions of The Torch will be published periodically at the discretion of the editorial board. Contributors are automatically assumed to have given consent for their work to be published therein.
Submissions must be written in English.
Titles are desirable, but not necessary - the editorial board will suggest possible titles if need be.
Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word or Google documents.
Cartoons should be submitted in either PNG or JPEG format.
Contributors are requested to state their full name and College affiliation in their submission emails.